How to Create a Shared Drive in Google Drive

Created by Juan Perdomo, Modified on Wed, 10 Aug 2022 at 11:18 AM by Juan Perdomo

Hello Team,

Now that we have successfully upgraded to Google Enterprise, we have added benefits that I would like to share with you. One of these benefits is the ability to create shared drives. This option allows our team to store and access files easily in the shared drive and then collaborate with each team member more efficiently. This will offer our team advantages like team file sharing and accessing team files from your desktop. 


Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a shared Google Drive:


Create Shared Drive in Google Drive

Step 1. Log in to Google Drive official website with a Google Workspace account (this would be your GRUBBRR gmail account).
Step 2. Switch to the “Shared drives” page from the left Drives list.
Step 3. Click “+New” in the upper left corner to create Shared Drive.
Step 4. Name the new Shared Drive in the pop-up window, then click “Create”.

Create New Shared Drive

Step 5. Open the Shared Drive and move files from My Drive to Shared Drive or upload files to Shared Drive.

Created Shared Drive on Google Drive Website


Add Members to Shared Drive

Step 1. Open the newly created Shared Drive.
Step 2. Click the title of the Shared Drive and choose “Manage members” in the dropdown menu.

Manage Members of Shared Drive

Step 3. Add people and groups in the pop-up window.
Step 4. Choose access permission of the added members in the dropdown menu.
Step 5. Click “Done” to finish adding members.

Choose Access Permission of Shared Drive Members


You can always adjust the permission if need be. Here is a table to look through in order to know the difference between the 5 access permissions when adding members to the shared drive:

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


If you need further assistance on how to create a shared drive or have any questions regarding the process, please contact me and I will be glad to assist. In addition, I can always set up a quick in person tutorial with multiple users or with a department to go over the process and any pending questions. Please let me know and I hope this email was helpful.


Thank you,

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